Guides de pilotage

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Indications simples

  • A l'approche d'un virage, utilisez vos freins au bon moment. En fait, il est plus efficace de prendre une virage à une vitesse raisonnable que de freiner très fort mais en retard. Cela a généralement pour conséquence de vous faire gouter le gravier ou vous faire prendre le virage trop large.
  • Le blocage des roues entraine l'apparition de plats sur les pneus, ce qui réduit l'adhérence, le grip et conduit à l'éclatement. Evitez aussi de rouler dans l'herbe ou sur la terre.
  • Accélérez doucement, quand vous conduisez une voiture à propulsion. Une accélération trop brusque peut entrainer des des têtes à queue.
  • Attention au premier virage de la course, particulièrement quand vous partez dans les dernières places de la grille. Vous devrez sans doute freiner plus tôt vu l'embouteillage qui va s'y créer. Le permier virage est le plus dangereux, essayez de ne pas ruiner vos chances de gagner à cet endroit (et surtout pas les chances de vos adversaires).
  • Entrainez-vous. On gagne en passant du temps sur les circuits et les voitures.

Etiquette des courses en ligne

  • Ne spammez pas ! Inutile de répéter inlassablement vos messages. Vous génerez les autres pilotes. C'est grossier et inutile. Même si vous êtes en colère (et vous en avez le droit !), ne spammez JAMAIS !
  • En cas de DRAPEAU BLEU, facilitez toujours le dépassement au pilote qui vous mène d'un ou plusieurs tours. Laissez-le passer en vous serrant sur un côté et en ralentissant dans une ligne droite.

Et puis bien plus

par Gentlefoot

Et puis bien plus...

C'est bien joli de franchir les limites à chaque tour et de faire trois sorties de piste pour un tour correct. Seulement, cela ne vous aidera pas pendant une course où une seule sortie dans les graviers vous coûtera la victoire. Vous aurez du mal à vous améliorer.

La première fois que je tourne sur un circuit (pas moi, mais le gars dont je traduis le texte -note du traducteur-), je reste en seconde, histoire d'avoir un bon aperçu du circuit et de repérer les endroits importants. Dans un second temps seulement j'augmente la vitesse. J'arrive à bien connaître un circuit en seulement quelques tours avec cette méthode.

D'autre part, si vous faites systématiquement des sorties de piste au virage n°3, vous ne saurez jamais à quoi ressemblera l'entrée du virage n°4 et vous vous crasherez encore et encore au même endroit. Et une fois que vous arriverez à éviter le crash dans le n°4, vous vous crasherez dans le 5ème !

En plus, si vous êtes à 5 secondes du record mondial, vous saurez ainsi dans quels virages vous pourrez pousser les limites et dans lesquels vous vous tiendrez à carreau...

Essayez d'être cohérent dans vos réglages. Quand je crée des réglages, je m'efforce d'être logique pour avoir un aperçu de ces changements dans le temps. Si vous changez radicalement tel ou tel réglage, les différences de temps seront inexploitables.


This tool is fantastic. When you watch WRs and can’t work out how they are getting through corners at certain speeds, this tool can help. You can see at any moment in a lap speed, throttle/brake position, steering angle and track position. It may look at first glance as tho you are doing the same thing but use AnalyzeForSpeed and you will see how completely different WR holders drive to you.

Analyse for Speed website
LFS's analysers info page (to download the 'trackmaps')

Entrée de virage

Utilisez toute la largeur de la route à l'entrée d'un virage. Cela vous permet d'élargir l'angle de trajectoire au maximum pour que le tournant soit moins serré. Et même si vous pensez utiliser toute la largeur de la route, ce n'est sans doute pas le cas en vérité. Utilisez AnalyzeForSpeed qui vous prouvera le contraire !

Une fois au seuil du virage, essayez de rouler à une vitesse légèrement supérieur à la vitesse idéale. Si vous prenez le virage à une vitesse "adéquate", vous vous ferez griller par les autres concurrents, qui eux, rouleront un peu plus vite. C'est l'une des techniques les plus difficiles à maîtriser dans le jeu, je pense que c'est ce qui fait la différence entre ceux qui gagnent tout le temps et les autres. Vous y arriverez en freinant légèrement tout en gardant le pied sur l'accélérateur. Faites en sorte que votre pédalier soit réglé avec les axes indépendants.


Beaucoup de débutants ne rétrogradent pas suffisamment tôt, lors du freinage. Le rétrogradage peut faire la différence lorsque vous abordez un virage serré après une longue ligne droite. Il peut aider à réduire votre distance de frainage de 10 mètres. Vous gagnerez une ou deux dixièmes au temps du tour. Ca peut aussi vous aider quand vous essayez de doubler en entrée de virage ou au contraire, quand vous essayez d'empêcher votre poursuivant de vous dépasser.

Vous ne devrez rétrograder que lorsque vous serez certain que les roues ne seront pas bloquées lorsque vous embrayerez sur un rapport inférieur. Si vous bloquez les roues, la distance de freinage augmentera de manière significative et vous abimerez les pneus.


Surveillez l'état de vos pneus. Ne les usez pas en bloquant les roues et tournez le volant le minimum nécessaire. Si vos pneus commencent à crisser, c'est que vous tournez trop fort : les températures augmentent. Vous devrez modifier les pressions et les réglages de carrossage pour pouvoir terminer la course, d'où une perte de temps non négligeable.

Virages importants

Les virages qui précèdent de longues lignes droites sont à prendre au sérieux : chaque km/h conservé dans un virage sera un km/h conservé tout au long de la ligne droite. Les virages rapides qui précèdent de lignes droites sont encore plus importants : l'accélération étant moindre à vitesse élevée, chaque km/h conservé aura un effet plus important.

Certains virages très longs qui précèdent de longues lignes droites, vous pouvez toujours vous permettre de perdre quelques secondes à l'entrée. En général, il suffit de prendre la corde un peu plus loin que le sommet du virage. Plus la ligne droite sera longue plus tard vous pourrez vous mettre à la corde, bien que dans les virages rapides le sommet est exactement au milieu du tournant, le virage étant par définition... rapide ! Réglez votre véhicule sur les virages les plus importants pour réaliser les meilleurs temps !

Remise des gaz

Vous vous demandez comment certains de vos adversaires sont plus rapides que vous en bout de ligne droite ? C'est simple, à la sortie d'un virage, ils ont remis les gaz une fraction de seconde avant vous.

Efforcez-vous de remettre les gaz suffisamment tôt, juste après le sommet du virage, si c'est possible, ou au moins, juste après l'avoir franchis. Pensez-y en conduisant et vous grappillerez plusieurs secondes par tour. En utilisant AnalyseForSpeed, vous verrez quand et comment les champions remettent les gaz et vous pourrez comparer.

Temps intermédiaires

Faites attention aux temps intermédiaires, il vous permettent de connaître vos performances sur un segment de piste particulier. Regardez les temps intermédiaires de vos adversaires et vous connaîtrez précisément les sections dans lesquelles vous perdez du temps.

Suivre les pilotes plus rapides

Regarder les replays de vos adversaires, c'est bien. Mais essayer de les suivre, c'est mieux. Suivez un concurrent plus rapide que vous et roulez dans ses traces. Vous saurez si vous prenez un virage trop lentement ou si vous freinez trop tard.

Bien entendu, il faudra pour cela implique que vous ne vous fassiez pas distancer au bout de 10 secondes...

Emulating WRs

Don’t watch a WR, see that the driver takes T1 at 87mph and then try and take T1 at 87mph, you will go off. Try to aim for a few mph less and build from there. You will get a feel for the amount of lock, trail braking, and throttle control by doing this. With practice you may then be able to match the WR speed through a particular corner.

Survivre au premier virage

by Gunn

On aime tous les courses serrées et personne n'apprécie de se faire distancer dès le premier virage. Pour gagner une course, vous devez au moins finir la compétition : sachez que tout put se perdre dans les premières secondes et dans le premier virage si jamais vous n'êtes pas suffisamment concentré. Voici quelques conseils pour le départ d'une course et pour passer le premier virage dans le flots de véhicules qui s'y engouffrent...

  • Au feu vert, tout le monde se précipite aveuglément vers le premier virage : chacun veut faire le meilleur départ possible.
  • Vous verrez rarement les voitures rouler en ligne droite vers ce virage, vous pourrez très bien trouver des concurrents affreusement lents ou d'autres qui zigzaguent devant vous.
  • Les pneus sont froids et le grip est faible pour tout le monde.
  • A ce moment de la course, les pilotes sont les uns à côté des autres et je vous suggère de tourner la tête pour savoir où se situe tout ce beau monde.
  • Attention, les risques de lag sont multipliés lorsque les voitures sont agglutinées dans le premier virage.

Si vous cherchez une recette de carambolage, prenez une poignée de pilotes avides de victoire, mélangez les dans le premier tour de n'importe quelle course et vous obtiendrez à coup sur un très joli amas de tôle pliée ! Voici en revanche comment éviter le carambolage pour que vous puissiez terminer la course en un seul morceau :

  • Au vert, accélérez raisonnablement (ne faîtes pas ronfler votre moteur) et essayez de prendre de l'allure sans faire patiner les roues.
  • C'est à ce moment là que vous devriez jeter un coup d'oeil à droite et à gauche pour avoir un aperçu de la position de vos rivaux. Cela vous évitera d'emboutir un collègue suite à un coup de volant maladroit.
  • Ne vous ruez pas aveuglément dans le premier virage : si un concurrent se trouve à côité de vous, vous devriez lui laisser un peu de place, histoire d'éviter le contact. Il est préférable pour vous deux de sortir du virage sans encombre que de provoquer un accident.
  • Soyez prêt à piler à tout moment. Ne comptez pas sur la chance pour passer. Soyez conscient que les autres pilotes peuvent à tout moment faire un faux pas, et vous emporter avec eux dans le gravier. Soyez prêt à les éviter.
  • A tout moment, les voitures qui vous précèdent peuvent freiner fortement. Pousser le champion du monde dans les graviers dans les 10 secondes qui suivent le départ n'est pas forcément une bonne idée, ni pour lui, ni pour vous. C'est une erreur courante que tout le monde a commise ou commettra pendant ses entrainement.

Obeying Flags

by Gunn

Flags in Live For Speed

While racing you may see warning flags displayed on screen and it is important to know what they mean. The flags in our LFS races are controlled by the software of course, in real life racing people make decisions about if, when, and how flags are to be displayed. The general meanings of these warnings (outlined below) should apply in most cases where you are faced with a flag in LFS racing.

Yellow Flag

When you see the yellow flag displayed on your screen it tells you that a car up ahead has spun or crashed. You should prepare to slow down and avoid becoming a casualty of the incident. Up ahead the car that has spun may be just rejoining the track when you arrive on the scene. It would do nobody any good if you plowed into him because you had disregarded the yellow flag warning.

  • When you see a yellow, get ready for trouble and get ready to back off. You can't win the race if your car has become a burning wreck so it is better to be cautious and survive the day.

Blue Flag

A blue flag tells you that a car behind is in a higher position than you are. The action you will take depends on your situation. Let's examine the two likely situations where a blue flag will appear in Live For Speed.

  • If you are being lapped by a faster car: The car behind you is consistently faster than you and has managed to travel one more lap than you have. He is about to overtake you and the blue flag is displayed to warn you of his presence. In this case you are hindering his progress and must allow him to pass you as soon as it is safe to do so (you can't be expected to yield while negotiating a chicane or high speed corner) Hold your line don't fight the other car, do not make any sudden movements left or right, ease off slightly and let him pass. He is a lap ahead of you and you are not fighting him for position. You must not hold him up.
  • You are not being lapped by a faster car: The car behind you is in a higher position but is not consistently faster than you. Perhaps you had an earlier spin or have just made a pit stop or stopped to serve a penalty and that is why your rival has managed to creep up behind you as if he is about to lap you. As above, if you see a blue flag you must not hinder the progress of the car behind, if you are holding it up you should allow the other car to pass you as soon as possible. If you are not hindering its progress then get on with the job and leave it behind you.

Note: There is some controversy in real racing about exact interpretation of blue flag rules. Generally it is accepted that you hold your line and make no sudden or defensive moves, allowing the faster car to overtake you. You will earn respect from all drivers for acting sensibly and fairly when faced with a blue or yellow flag.


by Gunn As a car races forwards it punches a hole in the air as it goes along, and after the car has gone past the displaced air rushes in to fill the gap.

If you travel very close to the car in front you will notice that you can go faster than he is able to. This is known as drafting or slipstreaming. The leading car disturbs the air and does all of the work, the following car (travelling in a nice pocket with almost no wind resistance) is not inhibited and can build up speed faster than normally possible. The trailing car "gets a tow" from the car in front.

It is easy to see how drafting could be used to overtake your opponents and indeed it is a much-used overtaking technique. In some cases two cars may be so well matched that the only chance the trailing driver has to overtake is by drafting on a long straight. So obviously drafting has real benefits, but also there are hazards.


  • Your car may reach a higher top speed by drafting (once you pull out of the draft the wind resistance will steadily pull your speed back to the normal maximum for your setup. However your gear ratios and final drive will ultimately effect how well your car can take advantage of drafting).
  • Drafting gives you a temporary and short-lived opportunity to gain position, but timing is important. Sometimes drafting may be the only safe way past your rival.
  • Drafting can reduce lap times during a race and may have a minimal fuel-saving benefit.


  • Braking is not as effective when travelling in another car's slipstream. Not only are you perhaps travelling faster than normal when you reach your braking zone but you have less resistance and slowing down will not be as abrupt as usual. The potential to shunt the leading car is great, and racers should always be prepared to adjust their braking to suit the situation.
  • Shunting while travelling at full speed is also a risk. If you are very close behind the leading car then your speed may incease very rapidly in a short time. You don't want to shunt the other racer, you'll either damage both cars or even worse you may propel him forward and increase his lead!
  • Cornering in the slipstream can be very tricky. Aerodynamic downforce that is generated by some types of cars (GTR, FOX, FO8) can be affected when there is no air to create downforce on the wings or spoilers. Coupled with your extra speed when drafting this can cause spin-outs in fast curves and can effect your braking too.


Should I draft other cars in a race?
Absolutely, but be wary of contact and be ready to brake earlier then usual when approaching corners or slower drivers.

Is drafting a sure way to overtake an opponent?
No. Often the benefit gained from drafting is not enough to make the pass. If you get close to the leading car early on to the straight then you have a real chance of winning the position, but be wary of jumping into the slipstream late, make sure you have enough room to carry out your plans.

What do I do if another car is drafting me?
If on a straight, hold your line but do not swerve or block, if you get overtaken, then that's motor racing, set yourself up for a well-timed attack further up the track or on the next lap and fight back when you have a real chance of making it happen.

If approaching a corner you can take a defensive line to make overtaking more difficult, but swerving is still a no-no. You should only ever make one defensive movement in response to an attack.
Absolutely do not brake earlier than usual if you can help it. Remember that the drafting car will brake with difficulty.

Race Driving Basic

Oversteer & Understeer

Oversteer in the “textbook” sense is the difference between cornering stiffness at front and rear, taking into account tyre characteristics, geometries, bush rates, etc, etc. By this definition, understeer and oversteer are independent of vehicle path or speed - they are purely vehicle properties.

Oversteer or its counterpart understeer is not the difference (or should it be the ratio of the two?) between cornering stiffness front and rear but it is a dynamic trajectory property caused by cornering stiffness. But cornering stiffness are not just static properties influenced by the factors given above. There are more factors that influence cornering stiffness: body roll, roll stiffness front and rear, load transfer, wheel camber change, roll steer (front and rear) and torque applied to the driving wheels. The tyre characteristics are speed and load dependent too. From this, it follows that driving characteristics of a car cannot be defined as being just over or understeering. At every speed and trajectory curvature (1/radius) one can say it is understeering, neutral or oversteering for those conditions. So the over/understeering character is a complex one.

In the everyday road car a compromise is sought to make the car responsive to the steering wheel and stable at the same time. From here follows the success story of the FWD concept (understeering). For a sports car that is quick (not the same as fast) and provides driver fun, a different concept is needed: mid-engined, rear wheel drive (initial slight understeer changing to oversteer by applying engine torque - power oversteer/steering with the throttle).

Perhaps it is useful to mention the definition of over and understeer as used by the scientists who perform research in vehicle behaviour? Suppose you are running a car at a constant speed with a constant curvature (the path is a circle then), if you then keep the steering wheel in the same position (angle) and increase the car speed gradually, then if the car wants to run on a circle with a smaller radius the car is said to be oversteering, if it remains on the same radius it is neutral and if the car goes to a wider circle it is understeering (for that speed and curvature!). The test can be done somewhat differently, again the car is running at a certain speed on a certain radius. Increase the speed and try to keep the car on the same radius. If you need to apply extra steering angle it is understeering, if you can keep the steering wheel in the same position it is neutral, if you can turn back the steering wheel somewhat it is oversteering.

Oversteer is when the rear wheels are carving a larger arc than the front wheels or the intended line of the turn. Rear “slip angles” exceed those of the front tyres. This is often described as a “loose” condition, as the car feels like it may swap ends, or be “twitchy.” This condition can be caused by “power oversteer”, where you need to reduce power in order to bring the back end back into line.

Understeer is when the front wheels are carving a larger arc than the rear wheels. This is often described as “push” or “pushing” - as the front end feels like it is ploughing off of a corner. Further acceleration only compounds the push, as weight shifts back to the rear drive wheels, off of the front turning wheels, leading to a further lessening of the car’s ability to turn in. Understeer can be remedied by slight modulation in throttle to transfer weight forward to the front wheels, aiding their traction and ability to carve the turn. Many cars are designed to have a tendency to understeer. If the driver gets uncomfortable and “lifts” off the gas, that will cause the front end to tighten the curve - a relatively safer, and more predictable condition.

Trail Braking

Trail braking (a.k.a. ‘brake-turning’, braking while turning toward the apex of a corner) is another learning curve for you to climb sooner or later. However, learn trail braking slowly; if you’re used to road driving (where you’re taught to finish braking before turning into a corner) then you might find it tricky to learn the extra delicacy demanded by trail braking. In PU, the trade-off between brake pressure and steering input is hard to judge when you can’t feel the car turning and pitching through your body.

What is trail braking? In essence, it means continuing to brake after having turned in for a corner. The further you progress into the corner, the more you turn the steering wheel and the more pressure you release from the brake pedal. Typically, the procedure goes like this: You are hurtling in a straight line toward a corner; You apply the brakes - fully - while still travelling in a straight line; At some point, you release a little pressure from the brakes and start to turn in; As you bend into the corner and approach the throttle application point, you progressively release the rest of the pressure from the brake.

What’s the point of it? Trail braking helps you rotate the car into a corner by controlling the transfer of weight onto the front tyres, giving them more stick, and thus compensating for any understeering tendency the car would otherwise have. The alternative is: do all of your braking in a straight line, then release the brakes entirely, then turn in. The trouble with this technique is that when you release the brakes, weight - and therefore stick - will be removed from the front tyres, just when you need them to be loaded enough to turn the car into the corner. So - unless the car is set up to be driven like this - it will understeer away from the corner. This is typical behaviour for ‘street’ (aka massively understeering) cars that have been adapted for racing.

On the other hand, a ‘proper’ race car will probably oversteer if you don’t trail brake. If you turn into a corner with your feet off both brake and throttle, the front tyres will have all their traction budget available for turning while the back wheels will be doing some (engine) braking. Net result: oversteer. Application of the brakes settles down the oversteer by substituting a proportionately balanced loss of steering traction (because the brakes are biased towards the front). In fact, you use the brake pressure to control the rate at which the car rotates into the corner.

How much trail braking you do at a particular corner - i.e. what percentage of the corner is taken under braking - depends on the angle of the corner. For a 60° corner, you’d typically only trail for a few percent of the corner, for a 90° corner, you’d typically trail brake for maybe 25% of the corner, and for a bigger corner, you could do it for up to 50% of the corner. You are aiming to trail off the brakes until they are released completely at or before the throttle application point (which typically occurs somewhere before the geometric apex). - Thanks to the Virtual Racers Edge Site for this helpful info.

Threshold Braking

Think of the contact patch of your tyres. The few square inches that each tyre touches the road with may be upset not only by rapid steering input but by rapid brake input as well. ABS minimizes this, but there is a way that a good driver can shorten stopping distances even beyond ABS in some cases. How?

ABS works in different ways, but to illustrate this point, I’ll take an example of, say, a Subaru Outback with four people in the car on a snowy surface (this may be easier to visualize given a heavier car on a slick day): You begin a panic stop, depressing the brake. The car goes up to maximum braking, and then one wheel begins to slide or lock. As it does so, the car momentarily pulses the pedal back to you, which feels like a “burp” under your foot. In doing so, it allows that locked wheel to again rotate. This helps in two ways. First, a tyre brakes most efficiently when it is just short of locking up, exerting the maximum effort on the surface. When it goes beyond that point and slides, braking is diminished. Second, by keeping the wheels from locking up, ABS helps maintain directional control, especially if the driver is steering around an obstacle while braking. In effect, in a panic stop ABS allows the driver to pound the brakes as hard as he or she wishes, but still have effective braking and directional control. Remember that a tyre gets maximum braking just before the point of lockup. Without ABS a driver can get maximum braking effort by braking to the point of wheel lock, and then reducing the pressure ever so slightly to the point where the wheels are rotating again. This is known as “threshold braking.” The dangers of course are in backing off a bit too much and not getting maximum effort, and in maintaining directional control while braking.

Back now to an ABS equipped car: By using threshold braking, it is even possible in some cases to do better than ABS. Remember the pulsing action that some ABS systems use to allow the locked wheel to rotate again? While this is happening, the braking effort on the other three wheels is momentarily lessened also. On a slick snowy surface, if you continue extreme hard braking so that ABS is constantly activated, the lessened brake force is extremely evident. It almost feels as though the car starts sliding faster! If this happens to you, back off slightly to allow the ABS to disengage, and use threshold braking ... release ever so slightly as the ABS starts to “burp” back at your foot. A well executed stop will have you riding that edge, with ABS intermittently engaging as you modulate and keep feeling that threshold. On DRY pavement with good traction, you can stand on the pedal as much as you need to stop quickly and effectively.